Eduardo Santos Light Wheels

Anyone familiar with Eduardo Santos’ artwork is no doubt well aware of the crucial role that landscapes play in every new series he imagines. Light Wheels is no exception.

As he explains, “The concrete and abstract experiences of landscape influence my photographic work. On my travels through Brazil, Marrakech, Ibiza, Italy, North Australia, New Zealand and now Sydney, I photographed landscapes at high velocity in various light conditions, mesmerised by the abstraction of form and pungency of mood and colour.”

“Inspired by the shape and concept of the circular colour wheel, where colours are arranged according to their chromatic relationship, Light Wheels is a series of photographic memories arranged according to an overall visual impact.”

“The series is not about the specifics of a territory or season of light, but rather a fusion of these along with the interplay of their dynamic, emotive colour.”

“My latest editions – WL09 and WL 010 – were generated by my most recent trip ‘home’ to Brazil. The clear hues from the sunlight in Brazil and Sydney during particular seasons when the light is not too glaring, are integral in my art practice, they are not muted or greyed and create deep colour saturation.”

“I grew up in sunlight and that radiant energy travels through my work, reaching the darkest corners, dissolving boundaries and, like memory, moving at a speed I cannot measure.”
Eduardo’s influences are deeply rooted in his childhood, when he spent much of his time outside amongst nature in northern Brazil, with his grandfather – an Indigenous Amazonian potter and fisherman.
While first impressions of Eduardo Santos’ Light Wheels artwork might inspire a sense of abstract formalities, a lengthier reflection reveals Eduardo’s strong affinity with light, landscape and fusion – a theme that you’ll find is weaved through all of Eduardo’s magnificent work.

Eduardo works in two distinct mediums; one of which is immediately clear in the works displayed here – limited edition chromogenic prints framed between aluminium and acrylic, and original oils with mixed pigment on canvas.


Otomys is a contemporary commercial art gallery exhibiting a diverse range of art by emerging through to established Australian & International Artists.
Based in Melbourne since 2010, Otomys offers an art consulting service for private and commercial art collectors.